Worship Service

Church at Ross Bridge 2901 Grand Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Worship Service

Church at Ross Bridge 2901 Grand Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Worship Service

Church at Ross Bridge 2901 Grand Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

administration@rossbridge.church & Danielle Ventucci (Emburse) – Emburse Introduction

We're looking forward to chatting! We'll use this 15 minutes to discuss your current T&E, travel, and AP processes as they stand today and what you are looking for in a new solution. ______________________________ Join Zoom meeting: https://emburse.zoom.us/j/97183497023?pwd=VjBYdTFTRVVqcklMS1BhTlA4YnUrUT09 Meeting ID: 97183497023 Password: 501851 One tap mobile +1 305 224 1968,,97183497023# US +1 309 205 3325,,97183497023#...