“Glory to God, who is able to do far BEYOND all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us; glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus for all generations, forever and always. Amen.” - Ephesians 3:20-21

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Building on our legacy that began 120 years ago, we are in the midst of an exciting season in which God will to bring to fulfillment the next vision God has for the Church at Ross Bridge 2023-2025!

God's BEYOND Launched in May 2023 and we currently have a committed goal of $3,982,655!!!

Total 2-Year Goal: $3,500,000

Through BEYOND, we will fund our ministry plan from May 2023- May 2025 while also offsetting the construction cost of a new ministry center (while keeping our current building).


Our calling as a church is to continue the ministry of Jesus in our
community and the world. The first component of our BEYOND refresh
initiative is to fund our ongoing ministry for the next year so that
we can continue to accomplish even more than we have before. We
can have an even greater spiritual impact through the ministries of
our church BEYOND what we are doing now if we allow God to do it
through us.


The second component of our BEYOND refresh initiative is to help fund our new construction. Phase 1a of this project (Begun August 2024) will enable us to begin using our property for ministry and prepare
for construction of our new sanctuary, Phase 1b. Our future facility
will enable us to have a spiritual impact both in the lives of those
within our church and those BEYOND our walls for generations to
come. (We will retain our current building for our Children and Student

Phased construction of our project began in early 2024!

Updates to Phase 1a can be followed at!

Through us, God will do BEYOND what we can ask or think!