Church at Ross Bridge has been ministering in Ross Bridge since 2012. We are currently located at 2101 Grand Avenue in the Clock Tower. We purchased and renovated this building in 2018-19 and it is currently the home for our weekly on-site ministries.
In 2010, our church purchased 5.5 acres in what would become the location of Sawyer Trail neighborhood. In 2014, our church agreed to a land-swap offer with Signature Homes for the 7 acres located at 3200 Ross Bridge Parkway. This will be the future home of our permanent sanctuary and ministry center. Phase 1a (site work) of our new property began August 5, 2024.

Project Updates:
- Week of August 5: Limited clearing for instillation of silt fencing for erosion control. Erosion control inspection by City of Hoover.
- Week of August 12: Timber clearing, stump removal and grubbing.
- Week of August 19: Wood chipping of limbs/roots and start of cut/fill of site (grading). Topsoil will be moved into large piles so that compacted soil may be redistributed to grade the site.
- Week of August 26: Continuation of wood chipping of limbs/roots and cut/fill of site (grading). Topsoil moved into large piles so that compacted soil may be redistributed to grade the site. (Topsoil will later be redistributed in preparation for reforestation and landscaping.)
- Week of September 2: Mass grading (moving dirt to balance the site and prepare for future construction).
- Week of September 9: Mass grading (moving dirt to balance the site and prepare for future construction).
- Week of September 16: Storm water drainage installation will begin. Mass grading will continue.
- Week of September 23: Storm water drainage installation and mass grading continues.
- Week of September 30: Storm water drainage installation and mass grading continues.
- Week of October 7: Storm water drainage installation and mass grading continues.
- Week of October 14: Storm water drainage installation and mass grading continues. Water/sewer/power connection in church's property in Sawyer Trail begins.
- Week of October 21: Storm water drainage installation continues. Excess topsoil will be re-spread and stockpiled. Water connection in church's property in Sawyer Trail is completed.
- Week of October 28: Storm water drainage installation was completed. Water and power connection in church's property in Sawyer Trail is completed.
- Week of November 4: Utility access work continues in church's property in Sawyer Trail. Final clearing for utility path is completed. The contractor will dig trenches through the church's property to install connection materials.
- Week of November 11: Roadwork on Ross Bridge Parkway to begin on Tuesday, November, 12. This will include lane closures between 9a-2p as median and entrance work is completed. Sewer connection & pipe laying work continues in church's property in Sawyer Trail, and is scheduled to be completed by November 21 with instillation of vault cover. Three panels of sidewalk will be removed and replaced during utility connection. Finish stage grading of building site continued and seeding for stabilization of landscapes slopes begins.
- Week of November 18: Roadwork on Ross Bridge Parkway continues with lane closures between 9a-2p as median and entrance work is completed. Utilities connection in Sawyer Trail has been completed with instillation of vault cover scheduled for November 21. Finish stage grading of building site continues, and prep work for paving continues.
- Week of November 25: Roadwork on Ross Bridge Parkway continues with lane closures expected on Tue & Wed from 9a-5p for curb pouring work. Prep work for parking lot paving continues.
- Week of December 2: Prep work for parking lot paving continues.Utilities connection in Sawyer Trail has been completed. Temporary fencing was installed both as a safety measure to prevent access to work areas and to protect neighboring property.
- Week of December 9: Prep work for parking lot paving continues. Utility pipe and sleeves to be installed on main church property through 12/17.
- Week of December 16: After weather delays, roadwork on Ross Bridge Parkway (right of way) & parking lot paving scheduled to be completed by 12/20 (weather permitting). Hardwood saplings installed. Utilities connection in Sawyer Trail has been completed. Temporary fencing was installed both as a safety measure to prevent access to work areas and to protect neighboring property. Fence removal, backfill and straw placement is scheduled to be completed by Fri. January 10 (weather permitting).
- Week of December 23-January 3: Topsoil will be spread on structural fill areas in preparation for grass seeding. Utility pipe installation (for water, fire, sewer and power) and final storm drain work scheduled to be completed.
- Week of January 6: Topsoil will be spread on structural fill areas in preparation for grass seeding. In Sawyer Trail, safety fencing will be removed, grass seeding will be installed on hillside.
- Weeks of January 13-24: Topsoil will be spread on structural fill areas in preparation for grass seeding. New sidewalks for chapel access and curbing to be completed. In Sawyer Trail property, final utility equipment work to be completed. New sidewalks will be poured, sod laid and pine straw spread.
- Week of January 27: West curbing section on Ross Bridge Parkway to be removed and re-poured to address water drainage issues. Final steps formed and concrete poured at outdoor chapel. Power meter to be installed in Sawyer Trail property to power back flow preventer.
- Weeks of February 3-15: Final site leveling and concrete work to be completed. Consultation held with landscaping architect for plantings to create visibility screen around utility components in Sawyer Trail.
What is Phase 1a?
Phase 1a is the site work portion of our new construction project located at 3200 Ross Bridge Parkway. It will prepare our property for sanctuary construction in Phase 1b.
When will Phase 1a begin and how long will it take?
Phase 1a is scheduled to begin on August 5, 2024 (weather permitting) and to be completed by January 15, 2025.
What times of day will construction take place?
The contractor has committed that sub-contractors will work between 7a-5p Monday-Friday. If there are weather delays, some Saturdays may be included as required.
What will be included in Phase 1a?
- Erosion Control Measures (silt fencing) installed around Perimeter of Construction Area
- Tree Removal and Site Grading
- Installation of Underground Utilities, Storm Water System & Temporary Power Access in the church's property in Sawyer Trail
- Paving for Initial Parking (40 Paved Spaces + Grass Parking),
- Turn Lane off Ross Bridge Parkway
- Outdoor Chapel (with seating for approximately 100) for Special Services
- Small Gravel Fire Pit w/ Seating
- Seeding for Grass Green Spaces & Some Landscaping of Bushes/Trees. Reforestation of some clearing will be included on the edge of the property closest to the neighborhood. Additional trees/shrubs will be replanted between the outdoor chapel and property line.
- Church Sign (“Future home of Church at Ross Bridge”)
- Originally, the Master Association RB Architectural Review Committee (ARC) required a walking trail connecting the church property and the Sawyer Trail neighborhood. However, the ARC withdrew this requirement after further study of the steep grade of the rear of the property.
How will the church's property in Sawyer Trail be affected?
The contractor will dig a trench down the hill through the church's property to install pipe and connect to water, sewer and power sources. Temporary fencing will be installed both as a safety measure to prevent access to work areas and to protect neighboring property. The contractor does not anticipate disruption to water or power services. Three panels of sidewalk will be removed and replaced during utility connection. In the existing grassy areas the builder will mulch/straw and reseed any disturbed areas, once the work is complete. Notice to surrounding neighbors will be given prior to when this work begins. When this utility connection work is complete, the church does not intend to utilize our property on the hillside or between houses for further development or on-going activity.
Will traffic on Ross Bridge Parkway be affected?
One aspect of Phase 1a is the construction of a turning lane into the property. Roadwork on Ross Bridge Parkway is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, November, 12. This will include lane closures between 9a-2p as median and entrance work is completed. There will not be any lane closures between 7a-9a and 3p-6p each day, so as not to disrupt high traffic and school bus transportation schedules.
Who are the architect and builder for the project?
CTSM Architects, Inc. and Murray Construction.
How will our property be used once Phase 1a is complete?
When Phase 1a is complete we will be able to gather at our hilltop for special activities for children and youth, as well as seasonal activities (e.g. Living nativity at Christmas-time, Easter Egg Hunts, etc.)
How will the Outdoor Chapel be used?
Including our Outdoor Chapel in Phase 1a allows us to utilize our new property for special occasions like weddings, memorial services or special events.
Why are we phasing the project rather than building it all at once?
Recent inflation in the new construction industry led to an increase of 73% between our initial estimates and when the full project was priced for construction. Phasing the project will allow us to celebrate observable progress, begin using the property, build momentum as our church grows and develop a wise funding strategy that does not place our church's financial health at risk.
When will Phase 1b (sanctuary construction) begin?
Due to the generosity of our congregation, our church is financially strong! With the goal of exercising wisdom on behalf of our church, our leadership team is tracking construction costs and regularly evaluating our funding strategy for Phase 1b. This team will determine when it is wise for us to proceed with the lending process for Phase 1b.
If our neighbors have additional questions, please email and a member of our team will respond.