Worship Service

Church at Ross Bridge 2901 Grand Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

Worship Service

Church at Ross Bridge 2901 Grand Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

administration@rossbridge.church & Danielle Ventucci (Emburse) – Emburse Introduction

We're looking forward to chatting! We'll use this 15 minutes to discuss your current T&E, travel, and AP processes as they stand today and what you are looking for in a new solution. ______________________________ Join Zoom meeting: https://emburse.zoom.us/j/97183497023?pwd=VjBYdTFTRVVqcklMS1BhTlA4YnUrUT09 Meeting ID: 97183497023 Password: 501851 One tap mobile +1 305 224 1968,,97183497023# US +1 309 205 3325,,97183497023#...